Friday, November 26, 2010

Phenomenon Worth Serious Consideration

Recently, we were witness to a phenomenon in the sky over Norway on December 9th, 2009.

Apparently, the official story is that this phenomenon witnessed was a failed ballistic rocket launch test during the Bulava's third stage which was fired from a Russian nuclear submarine.

Rather than allow this newsworthy moment to fade away in present day's short attention span theater, let me remind you what this event signifies. It is ironically, a beautiful sight, but carries a far more ominous reality with it. A reality, which much of humanity seems to be in absolute denial of. From a purely objective standpoint, the phenomenon we have witnessed is a visible reminder that we as a society have a serious disease and we must learn what this pathology is if we are to find the cure.

Make no mistake about it, this phenomenon is quite telling about our inability to end the nightmare that is nuclear warfare. This was a "failed" test for a warhead designed to carry nuclear payloads to any part of the planet. The main failure I see in this event is that humanity still seems to be blind to what such an event is foreshadowing. We have just witnessed the continued push for using a Ballistic missile delivery system. The Anti Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABMT) was not honored when George W. Bush took office. It was the stance of George W. Bush is his pre-emptive war tactic in Iraq and stating the "axis of evil" in his speech that forced Iran and North Korea to rush to arms. We cannot seem to see that it is our own actions in the United States that are giving way to this perpetual proliferation. It is absolute suicidal insanity if you ask me. Anyone who contributes toward such manifestations ought to be confined in an institution for sociopaths.

Now, we are seeing the development of technology aimed specifically at delivery systems created to send payloads of radioactive fallout producing warheads to any part of the earth.
What it is telling us is that we should be paying closer attention to the developments currently at the fore in our technological age. Especially if such developments allow for human beings to toy with mechanisms that are more advanced in their harmful/destructive capabilities.

Beginning with the use of nuclear energy for military purposes, mankind has entered a seemingly endless race to harness the natural forces within the planet, in the atmosphere and in space for waging war. The earth is already gravely affected by many of those secret research and testing programs leading to unpredictable environmental and epidemiological consequences.

Technologies such as this are dangerous for the symbiotic life form of Gaia. Are we as a species generally accepting of the push to create ballistic missiles that can deliver nuclear warheads to any part of the planet? In order to create a defense for ballistic missiles such as the Russian's Bulava and Topol, the US govt. must have anti-ballistic missile systems at the ready in space. As of 2005, at least 13 nuclear reactor fuel cores, 8 thermoelectric generators, and 32 nuclear reactors are known to be in Earth orbits below 1700 km. (source) Do we feel comfortable knowing that the governments of China, Russia, and the US are involved with the militarization and weaponization of space?

With all of our technical prowess and seeming intelligence, how can we not see how entirely retarded such manifestations truly are? How is it in the best interest of any nation state to poison the planet with plutonium and uranium fallout? What of the covenants we as a people have created in the United Nations? Do they hold no merit? Must we turn a blind eye to the beast we have created with the supposed "cold" war? (which does not seem to have ended IMHO). What about the World Court Opinion that nuclear weapons are Illegal? How many see this and go, "oh ok just a test- move along now." Shouldn't we be shaming both the US military faction and the Russian military faction for continuing with such madness?

Does this contribute to anyone's security? Let us not forget what we have learned from our nuclear tests.

These weapons are not limited to the time in which the war was fought, and through fallout, they defy the laws of war because they do not discriminate between the hostile or the innocent. The waste disseminated into the air, soil, and water are ultimately harmful to all biological life systems- not just humans.

Here is a breakdown of the elements that will pollute our world if we deploy these weapons anywhere.

_Strontium 90 is very long-lived with a half-life of 28 years. It is chemically similar to calcium, causing it to accumulate in growing bones. This radiation can cause tumors, leukemia, and other blood abnormalities.

_The amount of tritium released varies by bomb design. It has a half-life of 12.3 years and can be easily ingested, since it can replace a hydrogen in water. The beta radiation can cause lung cancer.

_Cesium 137 has a half-life of 30 years. It does not present as large a biological threat as Strontium 90. It behaves similar to potassium, and will distribute fairly uniformly thoughout the body. This can contribute to gonadal irradiation and genetic damage.

_When a plutonium weapon is exploded, not all of the plutonium is fissioned. Plutonium 239 has a half-life of 24,400 years. Ingestion of as little as 1 microgram of plutonium, a barely visible speck, is a serious health hazard causing the formation of bone and lung tumors.

Why are we continuing to work toward deploying weaponry which ensures environmental contamination with long-lived radioactive isotopes like strontium 90, cesium 137, or plutonium 239?
From the 15-megaton thermonuclear device tested at Bikini Atoll on March 1, 1954- the fallout caused substantial contamination over an area of more than 7,000 square miles. Fallout can also enter into the stratosphere. In this stable region, radioactive particles can remain from 1 to 3 years before returning to the surface.

This bomb does not just harm our physiological bodies, it also causes harm to the planetary body which sustains our life. When a nuclear weapon explodes in the air, the surrounding air is subjected to great heat, followed by relatively rapid cooling. These conditions are ideal for the production of tremendous amounts of nitric oxides. These oxides are carried into the upper atmosphere, where they reduce the concentration of protective ozone. Ozone is necessary to block harmful ultraviolet radiation from reaching the Earth's surface.

The nitric oxides produced by the weapons could reduce the ozone levels in the Northern Hemisphere by as much as 30 to 70 percent. Such a depletion might produce changes in the Earth's climate, and would allow more ultraviolet radiation from the sun through the atmosphere to the surface of the Earth, where it could produce dangerous burns and a variety of potentially dangerous ecological effects.

It has been estimated that as much as 5,000 tons of nitric oxide is produced for each megaton of nuclear explosive power.

We know this. We have all the scientific data at our disposal. We know that these things are horrible and contribute to a great deal of suffering and have the potential to make all of life extinct on the planet and yet we continue to create them.!

Obama stated while accepting his Nobel Peace Prize, "One urgent example is the effort to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, and to seek a world without them. In the middle of the last century, nations agreed to be bound by a treaty whose bargain is clear: all will have access to peaceful nuclear power; those without nuclear weapons will forsake them; and those with nuclear weapons will work toward disarmament. I am committed to upholding this treaty. It is a centerpiece of my foreign policy. And I am working with President Medvedev to reduce America and Russia's nuclear stockpiles."

Yet, at the same time, the United States spent over 52 Billion on Nuclear Weapons in 2009 alone! Read this and comment more about this ominous beast staring us in the face!

Do you know how many nuclear weapons we have in our arsenal already? In the United States alone? View this video on Youtube to learn more about the actual amount we already possess in a way we can understand...

What absolute madness! This abomination of human "ingenuity" continues to this day and no one is REALLY talking about it! I mean really talking about it.

Here is a quote from Carl Sagan in a writing in 1983 that I feel is worth adding here, for it speaks to reason. Reason which I am afraid, is sadly missing from those involved in the military bodies of each nation state that build and maintain these weapons which are at the ready to be deployed at any time.

"Some of what I am about to describe is horrifying. I know, because it horrifies me. There is a tendency -- psychiatrists call it "denial" -- to put it out of our minds, not to think about it. But if we are to deal intelligently, wisely, with the nuclear arms race, then we must steel ourselves to contemplate the horrors of nuclear war...

...Many biologists, considering the nuclear winter that these calculations describe, believe they carry somber implications for life on Earth. Many species of plants and animals would become extinct. Vast numbers of surviving humans would starve to death. The delicate ecological relations that bind together organisms on Earth in a fabric of mutual dependency would be torn, perhaps irreparably. There is little question that our global civilization would be destroyed. The human population would be reduced to prehistoric levels, or less. Life for any survivors would be extremely hard. And there seems to be a real possibility of the extinction of the human species.

It is now almost 40 years since the invention of nuclear weapons. We have not yet experienced a global thermonuclear war -- although on more than one occasion we have come tremulously close. I do not think our luck can hold forever. Men and machines are fallible, as recent events remind us. Fools and madmen do exist, and sometimes rise to power. Concentrating always on the near future, we have ignored the long-term consequences of our actions. We have placed our civilization and our species in jeopardy.

Fortunately, it is not yet too late. We can safeguard the planetary civilization and the human family if we so choose. There is no more important or more urgent issue.

So, let us talk about this then. In all seriousness. Let us not put this atmospheric display on the back burner to be ultimately forgotten. We have every right to question what is being done and why it is being done. And really, in all seriousness, for whom is this being done? What do any of us have to gain by this manifestation that threatens us all to extinction?

There are now more than 50,000 nuclear weapons, more than 13,000 megatons of yield, deployed in the arsenals of the United States and the Soviet Union -- enough to obliterate a million Hiroshimas.

But there are fewer than 3000 cities on the Earth with populations of 100,000 or more. You cannot find anything like a million Hiroshimas to obliterate. Prime military and industrial targets that are far from cities are comparatively rare. Thus, there are vastly more nuclear weapons than are needed for any plausible deterrence of a potential adversary.

What is this abomination? Why does it exist? What REAL threat are we facing here? What is the REAL "enemy"? Is it "terrorists" or rogue nations? I think not. So what is it then? What pathology are we dealing with? Is it curable? Do we have any time left to remove this self imposed burden before it is too late?

This is a perfect opportunity for us as species and is a very defining moment for what sort of future we would like to see here in this world. It would be nice to see a formal and "official" declaration by many organizations asking for the militaries of each nation state to cease and desist from continuing to threaten our collective life.

Every religious group, every NGO, every environmental organization collectively and unanimously call for an absolute adherance to the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and the ABMT. For that matter, I do not see any negotiations happening right now for a Comprehensive Covenant for Disarmament. This is the Covenant I feel is the most important one to draw up, and enforce. Clearly the political faction of our social order has proven itself not fit to govern if rules of law do not apply. Why claim such new technologies are for our security, when their continued creation insure our collective doom?

What the image I have posted above tells me is that we have much more to be concerned about and there is a lot more at stake here if we do not give voice to this issue and NOW!

It is ironic, that such a spiral looks so beautiful, because at the same time- it is also quite a dark foreboding. Along with such a sight becoming most disturbing from an intellectual point of view, where my heart is concerned- it is also heartbreaking. As a mother, and a citizen of this world, I call for a moratorium on any further testing. I believe any and all individuals who are collectively working on such mechanizations of war are criminals of the highest degree. They are complicit in acts of genocide. Who of this world can begin issuing warrants for the arrest of every individual that works in any industrial complex that is aimed toward the murder of innocent life on our planet? What is the point of any covenant drawn up in United Nations which are then signed and ratified by each nation state if they cannot be enforced? This is a serious issue my friends. One that we ought to consider more than anything else. Must we keep turning a blind eye to this nefarious and abhorrent human malignancy? Who will be the surgeons to excise this tumor from our social disorder?

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