The level of cruelty allowed so that human kind may gorge upon the flesh of carcasses is not a sound practice if we are desiring there to be peace in this world. In contributing to peace upon this planet, we must consider all aspects of our relationship with the collective life of this planet.
As long as we as a society continue in this practice of harvesting beings for our own self gratification without compassion for that which we exploit for our dietary pleasures, we will perpetuate a state of violence without end. We fall victim to our own karma and will never become free from such abject horrors we see befall mankind.
It is my sincere hope that human beings no longer live in denial. That they take full responsibility for their contribution to the chain of life. If you are truly to become grateful of what is offered us, we would honor the host for the provisions granted for our life and livelihood. The way we go about taking life so that we may live is not being done honorably.
As it stands today, the inhuman and abhorrent practices with which human kind are complicit in committing remain relatively accepted by society. We must re-consider how we go about living here if we are to change the way things are here.
If we must be the change we wish to see in this world, we will not consume beings who have been processed in industrial slaughterhouses. We will not contribute to this manifestation whatsoever... and we will be bold enough to call such practices into question.
^ These sentient beings are killed by hanging them alive by their legs, shocking them in an electrified bath of water so that they become paralyzed (though they still feel pain), slitting their throats, and then running them through a tank of scalding-hot water for defeathering. Only, thousands upon thousands remain conscious throughout the entire process.
This Thanksgiving, consider thanking the aviate species for their continual sacrifice on our exploitative behalf and honor them by refraining from causing them to suffer any more.
Don't eat them!!!
This is my solemn prayer...
That human kind become humane.
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