Friday, November 26, 2010

Police Misconduct and What to Do About It

It's called the abuse of authority. And we've been seeing a lot more of it happening here in our country. We peaceably assemble and then the police force moves in and violates our civil rights as we watch in dismay. Our first instinct might be in fighting back, but this will only cause worse crimes and violence on both sides... So most just submit to the abuse of authority and many become victims of Police Misconduct.

There is a proper way to answer back to those in positions of authority who have violated our civil rights. The best course of action is to use the system we have set in place.. Learn about what we can really do that will have a greater effect on future events like this.

I have provided some good resources in this blog on steps to take to file a report on a violation of human and civil rights in relation to police force.

The law states that we have a right to peaceable assemble. The video footage proves this woman was doing nothing to provoke the attack. The officer is in violation of our civil rights and can face charges. I hope this woman has found representation and has taken this to court. We might as well get every other person who has documented footage of police misconduct while we are at it and take up the legal system en masse to address this issue.

This behavior by those who are supposed to "serve and protect" is disturbing. Our country is becoming similar to those totalitarian regimes we have waged wars against in the name of freedom. The state and federal systems have laws in place when the police misuse their force.

Check these links as well on Police Misconduct and Civil Rights Law

Visit this link

Let us spread information that informs the public about what our options are.

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